"I like it, but can I have it for less?"

IT Support
Nate Work

"I like it, but can I have it for less?"

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Nate Work
December 6, 2023

Last week, I met with a potential client who is looking for a new IT provider because they're dissatisfied with their current provider.

They like their provider's low fees but don't like that they see a new technician every few months.

Here's the thing: the low rates are the source of the technician carousel.

The IT provider's low rates prevent them from paying their technicians competitive wages, forcing their techs to seek more lucrative employment. That high turnover results in poor service, which prevents them from raising their fees, guaranteeing low pay and high turnover, creating a negative feedback loop.

Conversely, we charge higher rates, allowing us to hire better techs who command a higher salary.

"You get what you pay for" is never more true than when dealing with human-driven services like IT support, and, I imagine, lawyers, doctors, and oh, I don't know, architects 😉

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Low rates are the source of poor service.
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