Zoom: female voice says “Trial Version”

IT Support
Nate Work

Zoom: female voice says “Trial Version”

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Nate Work
December 2, 2024

We received this interesting support request a few months ago:

When I speak on a Zoom video call, no one can hear anything I’m saying; I’ve tried cycling through all of the microphone options, and none works. (There is no problem with the speaker; I hear everyone else just fine.)
When I test the microphone in Zoom, instead of hearing my own voice played back to me, I hear a robotic female voice say “Trial Version.” (I believe other users on a call with me hear that as well, instead of hearing my voice, though when I’m on the call I don’t hear it, since it doesn’t play back my own audio/speech.) If I keep speaking or making any noises, it will keep saying “Trial Version.”
My searches online for a solution suggest that there may be some program relating to my microphone that is installed that is a free or trial version that needs to be uninstalled, but several people point to “e2eSoft iVCam,” which doesn’t appear to be a program on my laptop.

When we tried other video conferencing apps like Teams, two-way audio worked fine, so it was something Zoom-specific.

Here's how our client's Zoom settings looked, illustrating that Zoom was set to use "Microphone (Digital Video Recorder)"

Microphone (Digital Video Recorder)

I found "Microphone (Digital Video Recorder)" in Device Manager:

Iremoved it, leaving only physical audio hardware in Zoom:

After doing so, our client's colleagues could hear him in Zoom!

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